Ushintsho Olusha, I-Outlook the Future-IME2022 Ebanjelwe e-Chengdu Grandly

Ingqungquthela yesi-4 ye-Western Microwave ye-IME2022 ibibanjelwe ngokomkhosi e-Chengdu.Njengombuthano omkhulu wama-microwave, ama-millimeter-wave nama-antenna anethonya lemboni esifundeni sasentshonalanga, Ingqungquthela yalo nyaka ye-Western Microwave iqhubekile nokwandisa isilinganiso sayo ngesisekelo sezinzuzo zensiza, yakha imibukiso yohlobo lwebhizinisi eyi-100+, izinkundla zezingqungquthela zochwepheshe ezingama-30+, nge-electromagnetic field kanye ne-microwave, i-Terahertz, izimpondo, amasekhethi ahlanganisiwe, ukuklanywa kwe-chip, ukuhlola nobunye ubuchwepheshe kuboniswe ngendlela emaphakathi, okuhlinzeka ngenkundla yokushintshisana yedijithali yocwaningo olusha, ukuthuthukiswa kobuchwepheshe kanye nezimboni.

Njengomkhiqizi ochwepheshe wezingxenye ze-RF ze-passive, it is good access to meet material suppliers face-to face at this expo, discovering something new for products. With the concept of innovative change, Jingxin always keeps up with the pace of the markets to support our clients. Outlooking the future, Jingxin R&D team tends to offer better ODM/OEM service in the Telecom industry. Hence, you are welcome to consult detail with us at


Isikhathi sokuthumela: Nov-08-2022